Frequently Asked Questions



Radar – rain (dbz)

Radar – ice (dbz)

Radar – Snow (dbz)


Temperatures (°F)


Winds (mph)


Lightning strikes are displayed on the map for 15 minutes, with the following shading characteristics:

Official vs. Personal Weather Stations:

If the station has a black circle around it, it is an official weather station.
All other stations are personal weather stations.


WeatherCams are displayed on the map. They are signified by the camera icon:

You can pruchase a weather camera at this link

Ambient Weather Network Outdoor Wi-Fi Weather Camera

Product Page

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Staring October 24, 2019, you can now search and share your weather station data with the public.

Anyone can create an account, even if you do not own a weather station, and send email and text alerts from your favorites.

Here is how it works. You can search for any weather station without logging in from our homepage:

If you create an account (lots of free benefits), select the location menu bar to view your personal stations and then search your location.

To make your station public, select Devices | Ambient Weather | Sharing | Make Public


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Data is stored at at a rate of once per 5 minutes.

After one month, data is stored at a rate of once per 30 minutes.

Archived data is stored for one year. All data is removed after one year. includes an API, so developers can automatically retrieve your own real-time and historical personal weather station JSON formatted data, or build 3rd party apps and get data from multiple devices.

To learn more about our API, visit:

You can also use one of the third party apps to automatically download data:



Product Page


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Foscam cameras require the following format:

FTP Server:
Port: 21
FTP Mode: Passive Mode (PASV)
Username: provided by
Password: provided by

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The Weather Camera feature is intended for Weather Cameras. The Weather Camera feature is not intended or designed for use as a security / surveillance system. Do not rely on the Weather Camera feature for security, surveillance or safety of individuals or property.

Below are examples of approved / denied camera views.


  • Camera view showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon



  • Any camera view not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Driveway not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Pile of leaves in your yard not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Shed not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Offensive imagery, including (but not limited to) material considered obscene, pornographic or threatening. reserves the right to approve or deny public facing camera views.

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When a camera is setup and is not transmitting an image to the this may be caused by the snapshot feature being set with a interval which is too short. requires a minimum interval of 60 seconds.

To check this setting please open the Ambient VMS application and click the three lines next to the camera and select setup

Once in the settings and click on Video -> Snapshot
1. Ensure the quality is set as medium and FTP,
2. If snapshot is enabled, please ensure it is set for 60 seconds or higher

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