Frequently Asked Questions

WiFi Icon Flashes Or Blinks Slowly (About Once Per Second) And Intermittent Communication To AmbientWeather.Net And Wunderground.Com, WS-2902 Series

If the WS-2902 series WiFi is blinking or intermittent, and the console WiFi icon is flashing slowly (about once per second):

  1. Power down and up your router and wait a few minutes for the console to reconnect. If the problem persists:
  2. Check for the WiFi chip status light inside the console. Make sure the console is plugged into AC power.  In a dark room, look inside the slots in the back of the unit. The status light should be glowing blue. If you see no blue light, there is an issue with the console and must be replaced.
  3. Move the console away from any RF or EMI devices, like routers and other computer equipment. Do not place the console too close to your router.
  4.  The console cannot be too far away from the router either.
  5. To avoid complication, connect directly into the router’s WiFi and not a repeater.
  6. If you have a mesh network, connect directly to the primary router.
  7. For troubleshooting, turn the orientation of the console 90 degrees and see if this resolves the issue.
  8. We have a one year warranty.  To replace the console under warranty, please visit:
  9. For out of warranty replacement, please visit:
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