Frequently Asked Questions

Display Console Backlight Does Not Stay On Or Console Does Not Power Up, WS-2902 Series.

If the display is blank:

  1. Make sure the console is plugged into AC power and the power is switched on. If the console operates on battery power, the LED backlight is temporary when LIGHT SNOOZE button is pushed.
  2. Press the LIGHT SNOOZE button on the front of the console. The backlight may have been inadvertently turned off.
  3. If the console also stops reporting to online services, the console or AC adapter need replacing.
  4. Measure the output voltage of the AC adapter, and it should be about 5 Volts.If the AC adapter is not registering a voltage, we have a one year warranty here: out of warranty. the AC adapter is available here for purchase:
  5. If out of warranty, the console is available here for purchase:WS-2902:
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