Frequently Asked Questions

Time Is Off By Increments Of An Hour, Osprey Series.

If the time zone is off by increments of an hour, the time zone or daylight saving time is set incorrectly.

They are the third and fourth settings (from the User Manual):

The following table provides times zones throughout the world. Locations in the eastern hemisphere are positive, and locations in the western hemisphere are negative.

Hours from GMT Time Zone Cities
-12 IDLW: International Date Line West
-11 NT: Nome Nome, AK
-10 AHST: Alaska-Hawaii Standard
CAT: Central Alaska
HST: Hawaii Standard
Honolulu, HI
-9 YST:  Yukon Standard Yukon Territory
-8 PST: Pacific Standard Los Angeles, CA, USA
-7 MST: Mountain Standard Denver, CO, USA
-6 CST: Central Standard Chicago, IL, USA
-5 EST: Eastern Standard New York, NY, USA
-4 AST: Atlantic Standard Caracas
-3 São Paulo, Brazil
-2 AT: Azores Azores, Cape Verde Islands
-1 WAT: West Africa
0 GMT: Greenwich Mean
WET: Western European
London, England
1 CET: Central European Paris, France
2 EET: Eastern European Athens, Greece
3 BT: Baghdad Moscow, Russia
4 Abu Dhabi, UAE
5 Tashkent
6 Astana
7 Bangkok
8 CCT: China Coast Bejing
9 JST: Japan Standard Tokyo
10 GST: Guam Standard Sydney
11 Magadan
12 IDLE: International Date Line East
NZST: New Zealand Standard
Wellington, New Zealand
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