Ambient Weather Support

PM25/PM2.5 Mounting Guidelines And Maintenance

The following is a guide on how to properly mount the PM2.5/PM25 sensor, and perform preventative maintenance:

Mounting Guidelines:
Place the sensor in a shaded, well ventilated, non-moisture condensing area. Although the sensor is designed for outdoor use, it is best to mount in a well protected area, such as under a patio or carport.
The solar panel is sensitive to low light, but will still require monthly charging from the USB power port.
With PM2.5 sensors, fog reflects the light, and can result in a higher reading. This is characteristic to the inherent sensor design. The condition occurs during rainy or foggy weather.
Mounting orientation is not important. It can be mounted vertically or horizontally, as long as the vents are not blocked. 


Preventive Maintenance:
Periodic cleaning of the PM2.5 sensors fan may need to be done if readings do not seem to change. To clean the fan you would remove the battery compartment of the sensor. Then carefully remove the sensor body from the protective shell. There are 2 small gauge wires connecting the solar cell to the sensor body. Please be careful to not pull on the wires and cause them to break. You would then use a can of compressed air to gently blow out any debris from the sensor fan(Warning: Do not use an air compressor)

Carefully separate the sensor body from the protective shell

Carefully spray compressed air into the fan to clean it