Ambient Weather Support

EasyWeatherIP Software Not Working With Console, WS-1000, WS-1001, WS-1002 Series.

  1. The console needs to be connected to WiFi.   Configure the console to connect to your WiFi router per the User Manual. Make sure you observe the WiFi icon on the display.
  2. The console needs to be reporting to  Configure the console to connect to Wunderground per the User Manual. Make sure you observe the server icon on the display.
  3. The computer and console must be connected to the same network.
  4. If you own a PC, there may be a firewall setting in Microsoft Windows.Open Windows Firewall by clicking the Start button Picture at the bottom left hand corner of Windows, clicking  Control Panel, clicking  Security Center, and then clicking  Windows Firewall.Click Change Settings and the Exceptions tab, and check all instances of EasyWeather as an exception to allow the program to communicate through the windows firewall.
  5. If you are running a MAC, try connecting the MAC via LAN cable instead of WiFi.
  6. Security setting is preventing unpublished app from running.