Ambient Weather Support

Does Not Update AmbientWeather.Net, WS-2902A

If does not update, and you receive the message:

There’s no real-time data yet. Give us a sec…

  1. Make sure your weather station console is connected to WiFi. Look for the WiFi icon in the time field on your display console .
  2. Make sure there is not a typo in your MAC address. Launch the awnet app  on your mobile device or tablet, and click on the device in the device list. Make sure the auto upload is on, and the MAC address matches what you entered on the device panel: example below is for three devices connected to the same network:

Tap on the device directly to program it and make sure a schedule it set:

Note that only Ambient Weather branded products work with To check, your weather station will the Ambient Weather logo and badge on the front of the console.