Frequently Asked Questions

How To Connect The WS-100 To Wifi And The Internet

Make sure your module is plugged into AC power. It will not connect to Wi-Fi otherwise


When you first power up the module, or press and hold the WAP button for three seconds, the yellow WiFi LED will flash to signify that it has entered wireless access point (WAP) mode, and is ready to connect to the module’s WiFi.

You can use your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smart phone to connect to the module’s WiFi. The module’s network name begins with WeatherHome, followed by a unique code.


Once completed, you will return your device to the normal WiFi settings.


Example 1. Connect to the module Wi-Fi server with a PC. Choose Wi-Fi network settings from Windows (or search “Change Wi-Fi Settings” from Windows), and Connect to the WeatherHome, as shown in the Figure below (your Wi-Fi network name may be slightly different but will always begin with WeatherHome)


Example 2. Connect to the module Wi-Fi server with a Mac. Select the Settings icon and Network. Connect to the WeatherHome Wi-Fi network, as shown in the Figure below (your Wi-Fi network name may be slightly different but will always begin with WeatherHome).

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