Frequently Asked Questions

The Temperature Reading On The Sensor LCD Is Different Than The Temperature On The Console.

  1. Make sure that the channel numbers on the sensor match the console. Each sensor should be on a different channel.
  2. It is possible the calibration values were adjusted. To return the temperature to the measured value, you must enter the temperature calibration mode.

    Prior to entering the calibration mode, press the CHANNEL/+ button to select the temperature you wish to adjust.

    To enter the temperature calibration mode, press and hold the ALARM/ADJUST and CHANNEL/+ buttons at the same time for 5 seconds and the temperature value will begin flashing.

    To return the temperature to the actual or uncalibrated measurement, press the ADJUST button.

    Finally, press and hold the ADJUST button for three seconds, or wait 15 seconds for timeout, and the temperature value will stop flashing.

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