Ambient Weather Support

Why Is My Webcam On AmbientWeather.Net Not Approved Yet Or Why Was It Denied?

The Weather Camera feature is intended for Weather Cameras. The Weather Camera feature is not intended or designed for use as a security / surveillance system. Do not rely on the Weather Camera feature for security, surveillance or safety of individuals or property.

Below are examples of approved / denied camera views.


  • Camera view showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon



  • Any camera view not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Driveway not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Pile of leaves in your yard not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Shed not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Offensive imagery, including (but not limited to) material considered obscene, pornographic or threatening. reserves the right to approve or deny public facing camera views.