Kestrel 1000 Wind Meter
When you need accurate wind speed measurement, the Kestrel 1000 wind meter delivers.
Here's the one that started it all! Measuring wind is a breeze with the Kestrel 1000 pocket wind meter. We developed the Kestrel 1000 Pocket Wind Meter in 1995 when NK’s co-founder, Richard Kellerman, needed a reliable wind meter for flying his glider. Over 15 years later, it looks a little slicker, and it gives you the wind information you can count on with a simple, reliable and accurate pocket wind meter. The Kestrel 1000 wind meter can easily be switched between mph, km/h, ft/min, m/s, knots and Beaufort.
Kestrel Weather & Environmental Meters are designed & manufactured in the U.S.A and are backed by our 5-year warranty. Innovatively designed for stability and accuracy in abrupt condition changes. Rugged and durable, Kestrels are drop tested, waterproof and designed to float if dropped in water.
- Athletics
- Aviation
- Construction & HVAC
- Fishing
- Sailing & Boating
- Wind Load Monitoring
- Wind Surfing
Included in Box
- Battery - 1 x CR2032
- Certificate Of Conformity (Spec Sheet)
- Instructions
- Lanyard
- Protective Cover - Hard Slip-on
Engraving Note: Please make sure that everything is spelled correctly, as your engraved product cannot be returned. All sales are final on engraved products. Add 2 business days to all engraving orders.
Model & SKU: Kestrel 1000 - Part # 0810