Frequently Asked Questions

Sunrise And Sunset Incorrect WS-2000/WS-5000.

In order for your sunrise and sunset to be correct, your date, time zone, longitude and latitude must be entered correctly.

To find your longitude and latitude, enter your address into Bing Maps:

  1. To view your longitude and latitude, select the Tools icon to enter the Setup screen. Press the down arrow button  until Longitude_Latitude Setup is selected, and press Plus  to view the settings. Make sure your longitude, latitude and hemisphere settings (north vs south, east vs west) are correct.Note that if your longitude is negative, choose the western hemisphere. If your latitude is negative, choose the southern hemisphere.

2. To view your time zone settings, select the select the Tools icon  to enter the Setup screen.  Press the down arrow button  until Date and Time Setup is selected,  and press Plus  to view the settings. Make sure your time zone is set correctly.

The most common issues are:

  1. Longitude and latitude are reversed.
  2. The hemisphere is selected incorrectly.
  3. The time zone is set incorrectly.
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