Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I View And Download Archived Data From The WS-2000 And WS-5000 Display Consoles?

To view archived data from the WS-2000 and WS-5000 display consoles, select History button twice from the main console screen. 

History_YYYYDD.csv: The history data file as shown in Figure 59.

YYYYDD.csv: The remaining data during the download. For example, if it takes three minutes to download, it the last three minutes of data.

The format of the data is csv (comma separated value) and can be opened in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel for advanced data analysis, with the following headers:

Column Parameter
1 No (data point number)
2 Time
3 Indoor Temperature (°F)
4 Indoor Humidity (%)
5 Outdoor Temperature (°F)
6 Outdoor Humidity (%)
7 Dew Point (°F)
8 Feels Like (°F)
9 Wind (mph)
10 Gust (mph)
11 Wind Direction (°)
12 ABS Barometer (inHg)
13 REL Barometer (inHg)
14 Solar Rad. (lux)
15 UV Index
16 Rain Rate (in/h)
17 Event Rain (in)
18 Daily Rain (in)
19 Weekly Rain (in)
20 Monthly Rain (in)
21 Yearly Rain (in)

The SD Card must be inserted into the console and remain inserted to record channel 1-8 sensor data.  Whenever there is a new data set recorded, it will be added to this file." to "The SD Card must be inserted into the console and remain inserted to record channel 1-8 sensor data (WH31,WH31B, WH31E, WH31P, WH31PF, WH31L, WH31SM, WH31L, PM25, PM25IN and AQIN).  Whenever there is a new data set recorded, it will be added to this file.

The sensor data is not saved to on-board flash due to memory constraints; it is only saved to the SD card.

YYYYCH1A.csv is the channel sensor data and is only generated when the SD Card is inserted into the tablet.

Column Parameter
1 No (data point number)
2 Time
3  CH1 Temperature(°)
4  CH1 Dewpoint(°)
5  CH1 HeatIndex(°)
6  CH1 Humidity(%)
7  CH2 Temperature(°)
8  CH2 Dewpoint(°)
9  CH2 HeatIndex(°)
10  CH2 Humidity(%)
11  CH3 Temperature(°)
12  CH3 Dewpoint(°)
13  CH3 HeatIndex(°)
14  CH3 Humidity(%)
15  CH4 Temperature(°)
16  CH4 Dewpoint(°)
17  CH4 HeatIndex(°)
18  CH4 Humidity(%)
19  CH5 Temperature(°)
20  CH5 Dewpoint(°)
21  CH5 HeatIndex(°)
22  CH5 Humidity(%)
23  CH6 Temperature(°)
24  CH6 Dewpoint(°)
25  CH6 HeatIndex(°)
26  CH6 Humidity(%)
27  CH7 Temperature(°)
28  CH7 Dewpoint(°)
29  CH7 HeatIndex(°)
30  CH7 Humidity(%)
31  CH8 Temperature(°)
32  CH8 Dewpoint(°)
33  CH8 HeatIndex(°)
34  CH8 Humidity(%)
35  WH31L count
36  WH31L distance
37  AQIN Temperature(°)
38  AQIN Humidity(%)
39  AQIN CO2(ppm)
40  AQIN Pm2.5(ug/m3)
41  AQIN Pm10(ug/m3)
42  WH31SMCH1(%)
43  WH31SMCH2(%)
44  WH31SMCH3(%)
45  WH31SMCH4(%)
46  WH31SMCH5(%)
47  WH31SMCH6(%)
48  WH31SMCH7(%)
49  WH31SMCH8(%)
50  Leak1
51  Leak2
52  Leak3
53  Leak4
54  PM2.5 OUT(ug/m3)
55  PM2.5 IN(ug/m3)
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