Frequently Asked Questions

Weather Underground Sign-Up And Apps (or is a free, public weather data hosting service, and has accumulated the largest number of reporting weather stations in the world.

Weather Underground is owned by IBM, where the data is used for prediction services.

Share and compare your data with neighbors, friends and family. Features:
The most popular personal weather station (PWS) hosting service in the world
Free ‘cloud based’ service
Real-time Streaming Updates (rapid fire)
Weather Station Google Mapping
Unlimited Historical data archiving (daily, monthly, yearly and custom)
WeatherCam integration with time lapse video and daily archiving (weathercams sold separately)
  1. To create a free account,
  2. Once you have created an account, select My Profile | My Weather Stations, or link below:
  3.  Tap the Add a New PWS button and proceed through the wizard. 
  4. Once completed, you will receive a Station ID and Station Key:
  5. Enter this Station ID and Station Key into
    Note: If you entered this station ID and key into the console, do not enter it in You do not want redundant data reporting to  To learn more about and other apps, please visit:Community

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