Frequently Asked Questions


To set alerts, login to your account and select the Alerts page:

Text or Email alerts can be sent when a specific parameter is out of range.

If the value exceeds (greater than or less than) the alert amount, a text or email is sent.

Once the value falls within the normal range, the alert is reset, and an alarm can be sent again once outside the range again. This prevents repeated alerts for the same parameter.

The Notification Time Window is the minimum time after an alert can be repeated for the same condition. This is useful for parameters like wind speed, that change often and rapidly.

Here is an example scenario with the Notification Time Window set to 10 minutes.

If Wind Speed is greater than 20, send an alert.

  • Time: 2:00 pm.  Wind Speed is 24. Alert is sent.
  • Time: 2:03 pm. Wind Speed is 12. Alert is reset.
  • Time: 2:05 pm. Wind Speed is 26. Alert is not set because 5 minutes ago, the alert was already sent.
  • Time: 2:12 pm. Wind Speed is 24. Alert is sent.

More than one alert can be set for the same parameter. Here is an example:

Wind Speed > 20 mph

Wind Speed > 30 mph

Wind Speed > 40 mph

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