Frequently Asked Questions

Does Not Send Data To Either Website AmbientWeather.Net And Wunderground.Com, ObserverIP Module

  1. Power down and up the ObserverIP Module and wait a few minutes. If the problem persists:
  2. Reference the Weather Network panel on the ObserverIP module:
  3. Make sure that you did not enter a space on the end of your station ID or station key. It is easy to do, especially if you Copy and Paste from the website.
  4. Make certain you entered the correct MAC on and the correct Station ID and Station Key from (no typos).
  5. If your console is plugged into a switch, plug it directly into your router, and then power down and up the IP Module.
  6. If the problem persists, upgrade your IP Module to the latest firmware:

How Do I Update The Firmware For The ObserverIP Module?

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