Frequently Asked Questions

Reset Network, DNS Issue

Please reset your network in the proper order due to a DNS issue:

To Perform a Network Reset:

  1. Unplug power to modem, router and weather console/ObserverIP (unplug AC adapter and/or remove batteries).
  2. Plug power back into the cable Modem and let it sync back up with the network.
  3. Plug power back into the Router and let it sync up.
  4. Plug AC adapter back into the console/ObserverIP.


What is DNS?:

Domain Name Server or DNS is a server that translates websites’ addresses so that your browser can connect to them. If the addresses become out-of-date or the server has issues, you’ll encounter a DNS error and won’t be able to connect to a specific site or group of sites even with Internet access. You can potentially fix DNS issues by troubleshooting your current connection, flushing the DNS cache, disabling extra connections, changing your computer’s default DNS server, and even resetting your router

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