Frequently Asked Questions

My ObserverIP Module Is Not Updating To Wunderground.Com. It Updates AmbientWeather.Net.

  1. If you recently updated your firmware, you will need to re-enter your Weather Underground Station ID and Station Key.
  2. Power down and up your IP Module and wait a few minutes. If the problem persists:
  3. Go to the Weather Network panel on your ObserverIP Module:
  4. Make sure that you did not enter a space on the end of your station ID or station key. It is easy to do, especially if you Copy and Paste from the website.
  5. Make sure the station ID and station key are entered properly.  The station ID and key will be cleared if the reset button is pressed on the back of the back of the IP Module.
  6. It is easy to confuse the lower case letter l, upper case I and the number 1, as well as the number 0 and the letter O.
  7. If the problem persists, factory reset your IP Module.  You will need to re-enter all of the user settings again. Here is a guide:How Do I Reset The ObserverIP Module To Factory Reset?
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