Frequently Asked Questions

Virtual Weather Station Is Crashing.

  1. If you are running Vista or greater, right click on the Virtual Weather Station icon on the desktop and select Run as Administrator to grant administrator privileges. This can cause certain features not to work.
  2. For all weather stations other than WeatherHawk, download the debug file here and install into the same directory as the previous installation:
  3. For WeatherHawk weather stations, download the debug file here and install into the same director as the previous installation:
    This version includes debugging code that will provide Ambient Weather with the exact line and execution if the software is crashing within Virtual Weather Station.
  4. Re-run Virtual Weather Station and if the program crashes again, proceed to Step 5.
  5. If you receive the executable error and the ModName = cvi*.dll (any cvi module, for example, cvirte.dll), Virtual Weather Station is crashing then proceed to step (6). If the ModName is not cvi*.dll, if you have not done so already, please contact Ambient Weather by filling out the Problem Report Form. Please include the module name in the form.
  6. The debug version includes a full memory lap, requires more memory and runs slower then the normal version. When the program crashes, it will provide you with (1) the filename (usually formatted as main*.c, where * is the build number), (2) line number and (3) column number. Please email this information to
  7. if the ModName is wininet.dll, and you are running Internet Explorer 8 or greater, download the following DLL here
    and place in the same directory as the vws directory where you are running the appliction (usually c:\vws).
  8. If the ModName is wininet.dll, reducing the update rate sometimes eliminates the issue. Select Wunderground | Sign Up and Settings, and increase the rapid fire timer from 1 second to 3 seconds or more.


  1. One customer identified crashing on Windows7 when pure networks platform service was installed. Removing it eliminated the crashes.

    It is a program to assist you in setting up your home network for things such as printer sharing. If you do not know where it came from, it is often bundled in with routers from dlink and other companies.

    If you are asking if you can/should remove it from your computer and startup then the answer would be yes if you have no plans to use it.

    product website =

  2. DEP. Virtual Weather Station Crashes under Windows 2003, or Windows Server 2008, 2012 when internet functions are performed, like ftp or jpeg file creation.

    Add Virtual Weather Station to the list of exceptions to DEP (Data Execution Prevention).

    For the purposes of program compatibility, you can selectively disable DEP for VWS.EXE when DEP is set to the OptOut policy level. To do this, use the Data Execution Prevention tab in System Properties to selectively disable DEP for a program.

    For IT professionals, a new program compatibility fix that is named DisableNX is included with Windows XP SP2. The DisableNX compatibility fix disables Data Execution Prevention for the program that the fix is applied to.

    If you are logged on as an administrator, you can manually configure DEP to switch between the OptIn and OptOut policies by using the Data Execution Prevention tab in System Properties. The following procedure describes how to manually configure DEP on the computer:

    1. Click Start, click Run, type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.
    2. On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.
    3. On the Data Execution Prevention tab, use one of the following procedures:
    • Click Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only to select the OptIn policy.
    • Click Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select to select the OptOut policy, and then click Add to add the programs that you do not want to use the DEP feature.
    4. Click OK two times.

    For more information, visit:

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