Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Feels Like Temperature?

The Feels Like temperature is a combination of Heat Index when it is hot outside, and Wind Chill when it is cold outside.

Feels Like Temperature as a function of Wind Chill and Heat Index

Wind Chill temperature is defined by the National Weather Service for temperatures at or below 40 °F and wind speeds above 5.0 mph.

Heat Index is not valid or calculated below 80 degF.

Thus, when the outdoor temperature is between 40 degF and 80 degF, the feels like temperature is the same as the outdoor temperature.

If the temperature is below 40 degF, the feels like temperature is the same as the outdoor temperature when the wind speed is less than 5 mph.

Heat Index Table, courtesy of the United States National Weather Service.

Wind Chill Table, courtesy of the United States National Weather Service.

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