Frequently Asked Questions

Virtual Weather Station Does Not Save Changes.

  1. This usually occurs when Virtual Weather Station is transferred from a computer to a CD to a different computer, overprotective virus protection software or setting a directory to read only status.
    Copying files to a CD will result in all of the directories to be changed to read only. Likewise, virus protection software can assign read only status to directories.
  2. If you are running Windows Vista, and change the installation path to the programs directory, Vista now locks any application from writing to this directory. Make sure you install Virtual Weather Station in the root directory (example, c:\vws).
  3. Security settings in Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 10 may cause this.
  4. To change the read only status of Virtual Weather Station and associated sub folders, find the \vws directory in Windows Explorer and right click on the folder icon and select Properties. Uncheck the Read Only checkbox and select Apply. Apply changes to this folder, sub folders and files. If this does not work, you likely have virus protection software that has locked out changes to this directory and will need to add Virtual Weather Station to the approved programs list.
  5. Check your windows security settings. Make sure your Windows security is not set to High.
  6. If running Windows Vista, reinstall the software to the default directory, which is c:\vws.
  7. Select Settings | Multiple Station Settings from the Virtual Weather Station menu bar and browse to your local directory (the installed vws directory).
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