Frequently Asked Questions

Virtual Weather Station Graphs Stopped Updating.

If the Virtual Weather Station graphs stopped updating, it is likely due to a corrupt time and date in the database.

It may be a result of your weather station clock getting reset due to a power outage or a bad date written to your database. The weather station clock is reset if you lose power and you do not have back-up batteries in the console. If the console reads Jan 1 1999 (for example) and you are plotting the last 5 days, you will see no data in the graphs. The best way to make sure your date and time is view the broadcast display in Virtual Weather Station. This will reflect the console date and time.

  1. If you have a logging station (Davis Instruments, Rainwise, La Crosse, WeatherHawk, Texas Weather Instruments), check the date on your console. If the date is incorrect, correct the time and the graphs will start updating. Make sure you have back-up batteries in the console to prevent this form occurring again.
  2. If the date is correct, check your database to make sure a bad date has not been written to the database. Select Settings | Database Settings, reference the Total No. Records field. Next, enter this number in the Recall Record No. field and make sure the year, month and day are not corrupt (this can occur if there is a corrupt record in the console archive memory). Delete this record if it is corrupt and view the next record. Keep deleting record until the last date and time is less then or equal to the current date an time.

3. To completely delete the database, close Virtual Weather Station, then locate and delete the file \VWS\data\dbase.csv

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