Frequently Asked Questions

How To Create An Account At AmbientWeather.Net Using The Awnet App(Android)

How to create an account at using the awnet app.


  1. After successfully adding your console to your wifi using the awnet app you should now see your consoles MAC address as shown below.

2. Click the COPY TO CLIPBOARD icon as shown below to copy the consoles MAC address.

3. Click the ‘Register at‘ link, as shown below, to be redirected to to create your account

4. You will now be re-directed to to create your account as shown below.

5. Click the Ambient Weather icon in the upper left as shown below.

6. Click on Create Your Account

7. Please enter the required information: Your email address, then create a password then re-type the same password.

8. Click the Create Account button.

9. Select OK to agree to Ambient Weather’s Terms of Use

10. Connect Your Device. Add the Weather Stations MAC address by pasting/entering it into the window.

11. If ‘Looks good!‘ appears then click the Next button

12. Give your Weather Station a name. Enter the Complete physical address where the Weather Station is located and enter the correct Timezone.

13. Scroll down and click the Create button

14. You should now see your Weather Stations name, location and timezone

15. Scroll down and click the View Dashboard button

16. Your device is setup and should report within a few minutes

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