Ambient Weather WS-1002-WIFI-CONSOLE Console for WS-1000, WS-1001, WS-1002 Series Weather Station

Availability: Out of stock

This item has been replaced by the WS-2002-CONSOLE, you can find it linked below in the "You May Also Like" section.

Add as many consoles as you like to your existing WS-1000, WS-1001, WS-1002, WS-1400, WS-1401, WS-1200, WS-1201 Series Weather Stations from Ambient Weather.

The Ambient Weather OBSERVER weather station, combines reliability, easy installation and dual wireless technology.

The OBSERVER is accurate, precise, and affordably priced. It transmits 915MHz from the outdoor sensor array and indoor temperature sensor to the display console.

Although Internet connectivity is not required, the display console sends and receives internet data using WiFi connectivity.

The OBSERVER transmits outdoor temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, and solar radiation from the all-in-one sensor array. The OBSERVER also transmits indoor temperature, humidity and barometric pressure from the indoor temperature array.

You also get dew point and rainfall rate, and a graph provides detailed trends for barometer, temperature and humidity.

The menu based multi-screen display includes NIST internet time server synchronization, imperial and metric units of measure, high and low alarm conditions with audible alert, calibration of all major parameters, real-time internet weather publishing by, and encrypted WiFi transmission.

The OBSERVER also displays minimum and maximum conditions with time and date stamp, historical archived data, which can be exported to SD Card (optional, see the You May Also Like section below) for advanced data analysis in Excel, and detailed time graphs for spotting weather trends.

The SD Card is also used for firmware updates.

The full color TFT LCD full color display is easy to read, day or night. The attractively thin desktop display is also wall mountable and features automatically controlled brightness settings based on time of day.

Weather Features

  • Moonrise & Moonset

  • Sunrise & Sunset

Weather Services

  • Ambient Weather Network

  • Weather Underground

  • PWS Weather

  • Amazon Alexa


  • API

  • PC/Mac

See all of the services that this can work with.

Ambient Weather Software

Ambient Help Files

Ambient Weather User Manuals

Product Questions

To check your current version of firmware, go to the Factory About| Display from your Display Console (press the tool icon on the display four times, or ):

The firmware in this example is 2.3.1.

The update procedure is as follows:

1. Download the latest zip file (below) to your your computer. Make a note of where you saved this file.

2. Extract the zip file.
3. Copy the extracted folder Update EasyWeather to your MicroSD Card (the SD card must be empty).
4. Power down your display console by removing AC power.
5. Insert the SD Card into the display console.
6. Power up the display console.
7. The console will verify the firmware was updated.

If this process does not work, it usually means the Update EasyWeather is not in the root directory of your MicroSD Card.

Your SD card root directory will look as follows:

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This is a very common complaint with weather station owners, regardless of model numbers or manufacturers (from the low cost $100 weather station to $1000+ weather stations). Many of the units returned to us meet their accuracy requirements based on a constant speed fan test.

Here are some things to look for on how wind speed and wind gust are defined, proper installation techniques and wind speed perception in general.

  1. In general, if you are getting some drag or bearing failure, the cups will come to an abrupt stop in low winds. If the wind cups coast down to zero wind speed, this signifies your bearings are fine.
  2. Most weather stations average the wind speed over the update period and provide the peak gust in the update period (defined as wind speed and wind gust). Average wind speed, from a perception stand point, is much lower than wind gust, because wind speed is never a constant. Most customers identify with wind gust (when branches fall down for example). Thus, it may be beneficial from a perception stand point to focus on the gust and not the speed.
  3. Most weather stations have a lift off speed (overcoming static friction). This lift off speed can be about 2 miles per hour. This is rarely an issue, because the average wind speed tends to average out through sampling wind speeds less than 2 miles per hour.
  4. Proper installation is very important. The wind gauge should be mounted four times the distance of the differential height of the tallest obstruction.

    Example: House = 20 ft tall, pole = 5′ tall.

    Distance = 4 (20 – 5) ft = 60′ away from house.

  5. Compare your weather station to other stations in your area.

    An excellent guide is to visit:

    And enter your zip code. Compare your wind speed and gust with other stations in the area by scrolling to the bottom of the search results page until you see “Nearby Weather Stations”.

  1. Here is a general guide in what occurs on land as a function of wind gust:


Wind Gust (mph) WMO Classification On Land
< 1 Calm Calm, smoke rises vertically
1-3 Light Air Smoke drift indicates wind direction, still wind vanes
4-7 Light Breeze Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes begin to move
8-12 Gentle Breeze Leaves and small twigs constantly moving, light flags extended
13-18 Moderate Breeze Dust, leaves, and loose paper lifted, small tree branches move
19-24 Fresh Breeze Small trees in leaf begin to sway
25-31 Strong Breeze Larger tree branches moving, whistling in wires
32-38 Near Gale Whole trees moving, resistance felt walking against wind
38-46 Gale Twigs breaking off trees, generally impedes progress
47-54 Strong Gale Slight structural damage occurs, slate blows off roofs
55-63 Storm Seldom experienced on land, trees broken or uprooted, “considerable structural damage”
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  1. The console needs to be connected to WiFi.   Configure the console to connect to your WiFi router per the User Manual. Make sure you observe the WiFi icon on the display.
  2. The console needs to be reporting to  Configure the console to connect to Wunderground per the User Manual. Make sure you observe the server icon on the display.
  3. The computer and console must be connected to the same network.
  4. If you own a PC, there may be a firewall setting in Microsoft Windows.Open Windows Firewall by clicking the Start button Picture at the bottom left hand corner of Windows, clicking  Control Panel, clicking  Security Center, and then clicking  Windows Firewall.Click Change Settings and the Exceptions tab, and check all instances of EasyWeather as an exception to allow the program to communicate through the windows firewall.
  5. If you are running a MAC, try connecting the MAC via LAN cable instead of WiFi.
  6. Security setting is preventing unpublished app from running.
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