Ambient Weather WS-5050 Ultrasonic Professional Smart Weather Station - No Rain Collector

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The Ambient Weather WS-5000 Ultrasonic Professional Smart Weather Station is the most sophisticated home and light industrial weather station we have ever created. Our smart wind meter has no moving parts to wear out, and includes a revolutionary sonic anemometer that responds quicker to wind, and transmits faster than traditional wind cup designs.

The integrated thermo-hygrometer sensor includes a passive radiation shield design that results in accurate temperature and humidity with little to no wind. This outperforms traditional designs are subject radiant heat transfer if mounted to a building or structure.

Also included is an indoor thermo-hygrometer-barometer that can be placed anywhere around the interior your home or business.

The station also measures UV and solar radiation.

Supports up to eight optional additional Thermo-Hygrometer Sensors (Item WH31, sold separately). Place the optional sensors in and around your house for extensive home or business monitoring.

An optional PM2.5 air quality sensor is available for health and wellness.

Sensors under development and available in 2020 are lightning, indoor PM2.5 and VOC air quality, soil temperature and moisture, and more.

The tablet connects to WiFi and the Internet. The WiFi settings are entered directly into the display tablet using the interactive buttons.

The menu based multi-screen display tablet includes NIST internet time server synchronization, imperial and metric units of measure, high and low alarm conditions with audible alert, calibration of all major parameters, real-time internet weather publishing, and encrypted WiFi transmission.

The WS-5000 also displays minimum and maximum conditions with time and date stamp, historical archived data, which can be exported to SD Card (optional, see the You May Also Like section below) for advanced data analysis in Excel, The SD Card is also used for firmware updates.

The full color TFT LCD full color display is easy to read, day or night, and includes a light and dark colored background.

The attractively thin desktop display is also wall mountable and includes an AC adapter, and features automatically controlled brightness settings based on time of day. Includes an AC adapter, which must be plugged in all of the time to view and log data.

The all-in-one sensor array features a pagoda thermo-hygrometer radiation shield with passive aspiration for the upmost accuracy, a bubble level for plumb installation, and a solar panel. 2 x AA batteries not included.

The sensor array bracket easily mounts to any pole (not included) between 1.25" and 2" diameter. ~6” mounting pole offset.

Connect to the Ambient Weather Network

Your Own Weather Server to keep private or share with friends and family. Send real time data to

Our mobile friendly and responsive design allows you to customize your dashboard, analyze graphs, generate reports, and send email or text alerts to protect your possessions in and around your home or business.

Ambient Weather ensures contributors can do more than simply measure the weather, so we created the most connected platform in the industry. works with IFTTT, Amazon Alexa, SmartThings, Home Assistant, Weather Underground and PWSWeather, to name a few. In addition, we have a powerful API for programmers.

Quickly view detailed information with our animated expandable modules.

Monitor indoor and outdoor conditions, including wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, UV, solar radiation, indoor temperature, indoor humidity, barometric pressure, dew point, heat index, wind chill and more.

Features dials, gauges, graphs and text reports for every parameter.

Learn more about the Ambient Weather Network and how you can view Real-Time Hyperlocal Weather Data across all of your devices.

Optional Sensors supported by the display console and

  • 8-channel indoor-outdoor thermo-hygrometer (Item No: WH31E)
  • 8-channel water-proof probe (WH31P
  • 4-channel soil moisture sensor (WH31SM)
  • 2-channel air quality sensor (PM25 and PM25IN)
  • Lightning detector (WH31L)
  • 4-channel leak detector (WH31LA)

Weather Features

  • Dew Point

  • Forecast (Pressure Based)

  • Heat Index

  • Humidity

  • Relative Pressure

  • Solar Irradiance

  • Solar Radiation

  • Sunrise & Sunset

  • Temperature

  • Ultrasonic Wind

  • UV

  • Absolute Pressure

  • Wind Direction

  • Wind Sensor Heater

  • Wind Speed

  • Wind Chill

Weather Services

  • Ambient Weather Network

  • Weather Underground

  • PWS Weather

  • Amazon Alexa


  • API

See all of the services that this can work with.

Additional Features

Weather Station Features

  • Wireless integrated ultrasonic sensor array measures wind speed, wind direction, temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, UV and solar radiation
  • Indoor wireless sensor measures indoor temperature, humidity and barometer (WH32B)
  • Solar powered with battery backup
  • Intuitive TFT Color Display with color changing features
  • Supports both imperial and metric units of measure
  • 915 MHz RF wireless transmission with 1,000' line of sight range (300' under most conditions, with the exception of metal barriers)
  • 4.9 second real-time updates on the display tablet
  • 60 second updates on 4.9 second updates on
  • Encrypted WiFi internet two-way communication
  • Calibration for all measured parameters
  • NIST time synchronization from Internet
  • Quartz Time (hour/minute) and Auto DST
  • Light/Dark and programmable High/Low/Off backlight control
  • Weather forecast: Sunny, Partly sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Stormy and Snowy
  • High/Low for all parameters
  • Independent alerts for all parameters (console does not do alerts on optional WH31 temperature/humidity sensors; you can get alerts for WH31 sensors when using
  • Low battery indicators Features

  • Mobile friendly and responsive web design looks great on any phone, tablet, laptop or desktop
  • App not required. Simply view in your web browser and bookmark on your home screen. Saves memory and bandwidth
  • Customizable Dashboard Displays Dials, Gauges, Graphs and Text Reports
  • Send email or text alerts for high and low conditions for every parameter. Send multiple alerts for the same parameter
  • Monitors both indoor and outdoor conditions
  • Includes handy timeline for tracking alert history
  • Supports IFTTT, Amazon Alexa and Google Home
  • API for Programmers
  • Share feature for friends and family. Embedded share feature for website owners
  • Learn more about the Ambient Weather Network Features

  • The most popular personal weather station (PWS) hosting service in the world
  • Free 'cloud based' service
  • Real-time Streaming Updates
  • Weather Station Google Mapping
  • Historical data archiving (daily, monthly, yearly and custom)
  • WeatherCam integration with time lapse video and daily archiving (weathercams sold separately)
  • Graphs and tabular data
  • Comma Separated File (csv) export
  • XML Feeds

Weather Specifications


Temperature Range: 14 to 140 °F

Temperature Accuracy: ± 2 °F

Temperature Resolution: 0.1 °F

Humidity Range: 10 to 99%

Humidity Accuracy: ± 5%

Humidity Resolution: 1 %


Temperature Sensor Range: -40 to 149 °F

Temperature Accuracy: ± 2 °F

Temperature Resolution: 0.1 °F

Humidity Range: 10 to 99%

Humidity Accuracy: ± 5%

Humidity Resolution: 1 %

Barometric Pressure

Barometric Pressure Range: 8.85 to 32.50 inHg

Barometric Pressure Accuracy: ± 0.08 inHg (within range of 27.13 to 32.50 inHg)

Barometric Pressure Resolution: 0.01 inHg

Solar Radiation

(Light) Range: 0 to 300,000 Lux / 0 to 27870.91 FC (Foot Candles)

Accuracy: ± 15%

Resolution: 1 Lux

Solar Irradiance

(Light) Range: 0 to 2367.798W/M2

Accuracy: ± 15%

Resolution: 0.001W/M2


UV Range: 0 to 15

UV Accuracy: ± 1

UV Resolution: 1


Wind Direction Range: 0 - 360°

Wind Direction Accuracy: ± 5°

Wind Direction Resolution:

Wind Speed Range: 0 to 89 mph (operational)

Wind Speed Accuracy: < 22 mph, +/- 1 mph, ≥ 22 mph, +/-5%

Wind Speed Resolution: 0.1 mph

Wind Speed Calculation: Average wind speed in 4.9 second update period

Wind Gust Calculation: Peak wind speed in 4.9 second update period

Other Specifications


Base station: Input 5V DC; 6.5' 110-240V 50-60 Hz wall charger included, Power Consumption: 0.5 Watts

Indoor Remote sensor: 2 x AA batteries (not included)

Outdoor sensor array: 2 x AA batteries (Ultimate Lithium Energizer recommended, alkaline OK)


Display Tablet Frame Dimensions (LxWxH): 7.75" x 5.75" x 0.75"

Display Tablet LCD Dimensions (LxW): 6.25" x 3.5"

Display resolution: 800 x 480 pixels

Sensor Array, appx. (HxLxW): 12" x 12" x 3.5"

Indoor thermometer-hygrometer-barometer (HxLxW): 4.75" x 1.5" x 0.6"


WiFi Specifications 802.11b/g/n

Line of sight WiFi RF transmission (in open air): 80 feet

WiFi Display Tablet RF Frequency: 2.4 GHz

Product Questions

To update the firmware on your display tablet:

  • Download the latest bin file (below) to your your computer. Make a note of where you saved this file:

Ambient Weather WS-2000 and WS-5000 Firmware Download Center

  • Copy the factory.bin (ensure filename is just factory.bin) to your MicroSD Card (the SD card must be empty).
  • Power down your display console by removing AC power.
  • Insert the SD Card into the display console.
  • Power up the display console.
  • The console will verify the firmware was updated.
  • Power down the console after complete. Remove the SD Card when the console is powered down.
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To update the WiFi firmware, you must first download the awnet app for mobile devices from the Apple Store or Google Play Store:

Android Devices:

iOS Devices:

WiFi Firmware version history:

To update the WiFi firmware on the WS-2000/WS-5000 console , launch awnet   from your mobile device.

From the Device Info panel, tap on your device (in the example below, three devices are connected to the WiFi network):

On the bottom right is the current WiFi firmware version of your console. If there is an upgrade available, tap on the upgrade link:

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To connect to Wi-Fi and the Internet, select the Settings icon and then the down arrow  until the Wi-Fi Scan Setup field is highlighted.  Select the plus button  to perform a Wi-Fi scan.


Scroll down to select your Wi-Fi network (2.4 GHz) and press the Enter key and enter the Wi-Fi password.

Press up or down , left or right to scroll to the character, and press to select the enter  character. Press OK when complete. Press  to return  to the WiFi Network setup page. Leave the password blank if the WiFi network is not encrypted.

The Wi-Fi signal strength icon is displayed on the home page. If wireless connectivity is successful, the Wi-Fi icon on the top left-hand side of the display tablet.

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You can locate an official source for your area to cailbrate by visiting

To calibrate the relative pressure, select the Calibration Panel on your display console by pressing the Settings icon three times:


From the calibration panel, adjust the relative pressure to the reference pressure in your area:

Press   to highlight the REL Barometer field.

Press to highlight the significant digit you wish to change. Press  or  to adjust the digit up or down.

For details on relative pressure calibration, please visit:

Relative Barometric Pressure Does Not Match Official Source.

The WH32B thermo-hygrometer-barometer sensor will always display the measured pressure. The relative pressure is calibrated on the console.

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Reset to Factory Default. Clears all stored memory, calibrations and other variables to factory default.

To restore your display console to factory default, press the Tool icon four times to display the Factory Page.



Press   to select Reset to Factory Default. Press or key to popup the Message Box ”Are you sure you want to reset to factory default?” Press   to select Yes. Press the  key to confirm the selection.

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How do I re-register the indoor/outdoor sensors on my console

1. Navigate to the consoles Factory screen. Press the ‘set’ key 4 times

2.Navigate to Re-register Transmitter for either Indoor or Outdoor sensors

If your outdoor sensors are not picked up in the next 2-3 minutes, bring the sensors indoors within 10-25' of the console, check the battery compartment for corrosion, check the battery voltages using a digital battery tester and try Steps 1 and 2 again

WS-2000 Re-register Transmitter Outdoor

WS-5000 Re-register Transmitter Outdoor

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To view archived data from the WS-2000 and WS-5000 display consoles, select History button twice from the main console screen. 

History_YYYYDD.csv: The history data file as shown in Figure 59.

YYYYDD.csv: The remaining data during the download. For example, if it takes three minutes to download, it the last three minutes of data.

The format of the data is csv (comma separated value) and can be opened in a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel for advanced data analysis, with the following headers:

Column Parameter
1 No (data point number)
2 Time
3 Indoor Temperature (°F)
4 Indoor Humidity (%)
5 Outdoor Temperature (°F)
6 Outdoor Humidity (%)
7 Dew Point (°F)
8 Feels Like (°F)
9 Wind (mph)
10 Gust (mph)
11 Wind Direction (°)
12 ABS Barometer (inHg)
13 REL Barometer (inHg)
14 Solar Rad. (lux)
15 UV Index
16 Rain Rate (in/h)
17 Event Rain (in)
18 Daily Rain (in)
19 Weekly Rain (in)
20 Monthly Rain (in)
21 Yearly Rain (in)

The SD Card must be inserted into the console and remain inserted to record channel 1-8 sensor data.  Whenever there is a new data set recorded, it will be added to this file." to "The SD Card must be inserted into the console and remain inserted to record channel 1-8 sensor data (WH31,WH31B, WH31E, WH31P, WH31PF, WH31L, WH31SM, WH31L, PM25, PM25IN and AQIN).  Whenever there is a new data set recorded, it will be added to this file.

The sensor data is not saved to on-board flash due to memory constraints; it is only saved to the SD card.

YYYYCH1A.csv is the channel sensor data and is only generated when the SD Card is inserted into the tablet.

Column Parameter
1 No (data point number)
2 Time
3  CH1 Temperature(°)
4  CH1 Dewpoint(°)
5  CH1 HeatIndex(°)
6  CH1 Humidity(%)
7  CH2 Temperature(°)
8  CH2 Dewpoint(°)
9  CH2 HeatIndex(°)
10  CH2 Humidity(%)
11  CH3 Temperature(°)
12  CH3 Dewpoint(°)
13  CH3 HeatIndex(°)
14  CH3 Humidity(%)
15  CH4 Temperature(°)
16  CH4 Dewpoint(°)
17  CH4 HeatIndex(°)
18  CH4 Humidity(%)
19  CH5 Temperature(°)
20  CH5 Dewpoint(°)
21  CH5 HeatIndex(°)
22  CH5 Humidity(%)
23  CH6 Temperature(°)
24  CH6 Dewpoint(°)
25  CH6 HeatIndex(°)
26  CH6 Humidity(%)
27  CH7 Temperature(°)
28  CH7 Dewpoint(°)
29  CH7 HeatIndex(°)
30  CH7 Humidity(%)
31  CH8 Temperature(°)
32  CH8 Dewpoint(°)
33  CH8 HeatIndex(°)
34  CH8 Humidity(%)
35  WH31L count
36  WH31L distance
37  AQIN Temperature(°)
38  AQIN Humidity(%)
39  AQIN CO2(ppm)
40  AQIN Pm2.5(ug/m3)
41  AQIN Pm10(ug/m3)
42  WH31SMCH1(%)
43  WH31SMCH2(%)
44  WH31SMCH3(%)
45  WH31SMCH4(%)
46  WH31SMCH5(%)
47  WH31SMCH6(%)
48  WH31SMCH7(%)
49  WH31SMCH8(%)
50  Leak1
51  Leak2
52  Leak3
53  Leak4
54  PM2.5 OUT(ug/m3)
55  PM2.5 IN(ug/m3)
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The MAC address is found on the weather station console’s Weather Server panel:

  1. Press the Set Key button

2. Click Setup under Weather Server

Product Manual

Product Page

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  1. Install each M5 nut in the order above. 1, 2, 3 then 4.
  2. Do not tighten with an impact driver. Hand tighten, then a half turn / 180 degrees. No more.
  3. If your mounting pole is a soft material (wood, pvc, etc.) you may need to retighten the M5 nuts when you perform your maintenance every 3 months.
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The Standard Tier comes with every free AWN account and includes the following:

  • MAP LAYERS: Radar, Temperature, Wind, and Lightning Layers
  • NOTIFICATIONS: E-mail & Push Alerts
  • DATA HISTORY: 1-Year
  • BASIC GRAPHING: Preset charts measuring individual parameters per - single station with customizable timeframes

The Premium Tier is a paid upgrade and includes everything in the Standard Tier plus the following:

  • MAP LAYERS: Air Quality, Snow Depth, Fires, Tropical Cyclones, and Water Map in addition to Standard Layers
  • NOTIFICATIONS: Configurable SMS Alerts (10 Per Day), in addition to Push & E-mail Alerts
  • DATA HISTORY: 3-Years
  • BONUS TILES: Growing Degree Days, Heating Degree Days, and Cooling Degree Days
  • ADVANCED GRAPHING: Multi Station & Multi Parameter Graphing, Enhanced Graph Controls & Customization, Increased Organization, and Increased Export & Data handling Capabilities
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