Frequently Asked Questions

Tag WS-0265

If you receive the message:

There’s no real-time data yet. Give us a sec…

Waiting for data to load…

and the never updates, it usually means you incorrectly entered the MAC address on

You can locate the MAC address on your device using this guide:  How Do I Find My MAC Address?

Check the MAC address on your device vs. the MAC address you entered on to make sure there is not a typo.

Also, you must own an Ambient Weather weather station or appliance to work with

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The WH31WH31B and WH31E are 8-channel thermo-hygrometers that support a variety of Ambient Weather Stations

The WH31 and WH31E include a radio controlled clock (RCC). The WH31B does not.

The WH31 and WH31E are only required for the WS-3000 Series, which includes a Radio Controlled Clock.

Our Internet Connected weather stations receive the time from the Internet Time Server (

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Temperature can read too low (or inaccurate) at night when placed close to a radiant heat source, like a house, building or structure.  It can also read lower then other stations in your area due to irrigation or sprinklers.

  1. Place the sensor inside next to the indoor console sensor. Wait about 1 hour for stabilization. The sensors should agree within the accuracy specifications. Most RTD (resistive thermal device) sensors are accurate within +/- 2 degF. Thus, the sensors should agree within 4 degF.
  2. Mercury or red spirit thermometers are very accurate. Inside your house, place a red spirit thermometer next to the digital thermometer. The thermometers should agree within 2 degF.
  3. For colder temperature verification, place the sensor with the red spirit thermometer in the regrigerator or freezer.
  4. If the sensor is separate, place the sensor in a shaded area on the north side of the structure to avoid direct and radiant heat.
  5. Temperature sensors that do not have radiation shields will absorb solar energy and read higher than the ambient temperature. To prevent this problem, purchase a solar radiation shield from Ambient Weather.
  6. We have a one year warranty and a 30 day return policy. For details, please visit:
  7. While at the website, enter the part number of the transmitter in the Search by Keyword to locate the product.
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You cannot add a second sensor to your existing weather station listed below, but one of the products below would allow you to add sensors to which are then seamlessly integrated online (you can add as many devices as you wish to

Here are a few of options:



The WS-50-C supports up to 8 thermo-hygrometers (F007TH), floating pool, spa and lake thermometers (F007PF) or temperature probes for any medium (F007TP).



The WS-0265 supports up to 8 remote thermo-hygrometers (WH31B).



The WS-8482 supports up to 7 thermo-hygrometers (TX-3110B), pool, spa and pond thermometers (TX-3107) or soil temperature and moisture sensors (TX-3102).

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If you can connect to your console and program it through the awnet or AmbientTool app, but it does not show up in the Device List:

your router may  have an advanced security feature call “AP isolation” turned on.

This feature prevents communication between devices on the same network band SSID.

Disable this feature by consulting your wireless router’s operational manual.

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If the firmware does not update when you tap  the Upgrade Firmware button, delete the awnet   app from your mobile device and download it and try again.

If you are using the discontinued AmbientTool  app, delete that app from your mobile device.


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What is the correct Timezone/Time Zone setting for my location:

Here is a list of Time Zones:

Hours from GMT Time Zone Cities
-12 IDLW: International Date Line West
-11 NT: Nome Nome, AK
-10 AHST: Alaska-Hawaii Standard
CAT: Central Alaska
HST: Hawaii Standard
Honolulu, HI
-9 YST:  Yukon Standard Yukon Territory
-8 PST: Pacific Standard Los Angeles, CA, USA
-7 MST: Mountain Standard Denver, CO, USA
-6 CST: Central Standard Chicago, IL, USA
-5 EST: Eastern Standard New York, NY, USA
-4 AST: Atlantic Standard Caracas
-3 São Paulo, Brazil
-2 AT: Azores Azores, Cape Verde Islands
-1 WAT: West Africa
0 GMT: Greenwich Mean
WET: Western European
London, England
1 CET: Central European Paris, France
2 EET: Eastern European Athens, Greece
3 BT: Baghdad Moscow, Russia
4 Abu Dhabi, UAE
5 Tashkent
6 Astana
7 Bangkok
8 CCT: China Coast Bejing
9 JST: Japan Standard Tokyo
10 GST: Guam Standard Sydney
11 Magadan
12 IDLE: International Date Line East
NZST: New Zealand Standard
Wellington, New Zealand

Note: There are no half settings. Example: If your time zone is 5.5 then you would select a whole number such as 5 or 6.

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If the outdoor temperature and humidity is not reporting on PWSWeather, but updating fine on

Unfortunately there is no way to support this device because it is handled as an 8-channel sensor and not an outdoor sensor like with traditional stations.
The issue is PWSWeather does not support channel 1-8 sensors.
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  1. Look for the WiFi icon  in the upper right hand corner of the  weather station console. Make sure this WiFi icon is on. If it is on, you already connected to WiFi.
  2. If you own a Mesh Network (examples,  Orbi, eero or Google), temporarily turn off all of the secondary nodes, leaving only the primary node (the node connected to the Internet) powered up.If you use a Virtual Private Network (VPN), temporarily turn this off.
  3. Select your APP PERMISSIONS on your Android Device and make sure Location is turned On for the awnet app:
  4. To connect your console to your wireless router and the Internet, you must first download the awnet app  to your phone or tablet. The awnet app is only a console configuration tool and is not used to view your live data.The app is available here:
    Google Play:

    : The most common mistake is to download the AmbientTool app, which is designed for the first generation WS-0262A.
  5. (1) Press and hold the ALARM and LIGHT/SNOOZE buttons at the same time for four seconds.
    (2) The WiFi icon will begin flashing rapidly and the characters M-B will flash, indicating the console is broadcasting a MiFi signal.
  6. Run the Ambient Weather awnet  app , and select Add a Device:
  7. Proceed through the awnet wizard following the instructions at the bottom. On the fourth panel, select Scan enter your 2.4 GHz router’s name (SSID) and WiFi password:

    Important Note: If you own a dual band router, and the SSIDs (router name) are different for the two different bands, make sure you select the 2.4 GHz Band.
  8. If the problem persists, rerun this help guide, but this time, connect the phone to the console WiFi AMBWeather-WIFI first, before proceeding to Step 5:
  9.  If you continue to have an issue, try a different android or apple device.  The most common issue is typing it in wrong if you own and Apple, or not selecting it when you Scan Devices on and Android.
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Why does my PWS/Personal Weather Station not show up on the map?

The models WS-8482  will not show up on the map. The reason is  channel based sensors, unlike our weather station arrays, and the sensors can be placed inside or outside. We found lots of sensors not being placed outside, which polluted the map with bad data.

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When connected to AC power, press and hold the SNOOZE/LIGHT button for three seconds to turn on back light permanently. With the back light turned on, press and hold for five seconds to turn off the back light.

Product Manual

Product Page

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To restore the WS-0265 console WiFi settings:

  1. Remove batteries and AC power to completely power the console off.
  2. Press and hold the SET button, and while holding the SET button, reconnect AC power to power up the console. Wait 5 seconds for the console to completely power up before letting go of the SET button.
  3. Re-insert the batteries.

Product Manual

Product Page

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