Frequently Asked Questions

Tag Webcam

Sorry but the weather station console requires a smart phone to connect it to WiFi and the Internet.

From our sales literature on the website:

Important Note: Requires an iPhone, iPad, or Android device to program through the AmbientTool application (available in the Apple App Store or Google Play).

Ambient Weather Setup Tool:

This is very typical of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as Nest Thermostat, hue Lightning, WiFi switches and more.

You only need the smart device once.  Once you set it up, you can view the data on any platform by going to your dashboard. Therefore, we recommend borrowing a smart phone or tablet from a friend or family member.

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WeatherCam images can be uploaded, viewed, and shared on as well as the Ambient Weather on iOS and Android apps.



As of December 29, 2021, for FTP cameras Ambient now offers time lapse video of the uploaded screen shots with weather data overlay

From the devices panel, select Add WeatherCam.

Next, choose the format for your camera (FTP or URL):

  • FTP: Most network cameras include FTP upload.
  • URL: If you are hosting on another website, provide a URL.

FTP option:
The website automatically generates the servername, username and password. Enter these credentials into your camera’s ftp network settings.

– Some cameras like Foscam may require you enter the server header, rather than
– Select passive mode (PASV), if available.
– The maximum upload interval is one minute. Program an upload interval of 60 seconds or greater.

URL option:
Enter the static URL associated with your camera hosting software. An example for the Nest Camera is referenced below.

Complete Nest Camera Setup

Once the camera image has successfully uploaded to the server, the image will appear next to the WeatherCam credentials.

To make your WeatherCam public, select the checkbox “Allow others to view your weather cam“. It will take up to 48 hours for approval. Only images that point outside and show a portion of the sky will be approved.

Once your WeatherCam is public, it will be displayed on the WeatherCam map:

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  1. If the rain is under reporting, loss of reception may result in uncounted rain with older firmware. You can update to the latest firmware here:
  2. For WS-1000, WS-1001, WS-1002, WS-1200, WS-1201 owners: Your display may be showing rain rate (in/hr) and it has not rained in the last ten minutes. Change the console rain increment from 1h (one hour) to daily, weekly, monthly or total rain. Do these increments of rain also read 0.00? If so, and it has recently rained, reference the next step.Note that instantaneous rain rate = rain in the last 10 minutes x 6.
  3. Make sure the rain gain is set to 1.0 on the calibration screen.Setting the rain gain to 0.1 for example will under report rain by a factor of 10 and would require 0.1” of rain to report 0.01”.
  4. The tipping mechanism may be stuck because of debris.  Pour water slowly through the rain bucket and listen for clicking of the rain gauge mechanism. Each click represents 0.01 in of rain. See if this rain is accurately recorded on the console.
  5. The tipping mechanism has not been recently cleaned and bugs have nested inside the rain gauge or debris has collected in the funnel.Clean the rain gauge funnel per the User Manual.Clean the interior of the rain gauge until free from bugs and debris. Spray with bug spray to prevent future nesting.To clean the interior of the rain gauge, reference the Advanced Troubleshooting guide in the manual. Important Note: Do not stress the wires when opening the sensor array.
  6. The rain gauge is beyond repair.If under one year warranty, visit:
  7. If out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:
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Our cameras were made by Foscam with some special settings for uploading to Wunderground.

The NPAPI plug in support is missing from many of the browsers as they are automatically updated.

We recommend you download VMS software from Foscam to manage your camera

Please visit to download software for the Mac and PC.
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Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer disabled the NPAPI plugins, which are required for the AmbientCam, AmbientCamHD and AmbientCamHD3  to work. You will need to download and install the Foscam Super-Client Software for MJPEG cameras:  to be able to use the AmbientCams.


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By default, Reolink cameras only FTP when motion is detected. You will need to turn this feature off, and then FTP on a fixed schedule.

This change cannot be made from the Android or iOS app, so you must download and install the Reolink Windows or Mac Client.

To download the client for PC or Mac, visit:

Launch the app and open the interface to your camera. Select Settings  in the upper right hand corner:

Select the Advanced button:

Select the FTP button:

Enter the FTP credentials provided on the Devices panel associated with your Weather Station device:

Select the FTP Schedule Setup button. The default setting for the camera is motion (green).

Click the  Normal (blue) button and then click and drag over the entire schedule to change it all to Normal (blue) and then click OK.

Click OK to acknowledge the confirmation.

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  1. Make sure the rain gain is set to 1.0 on the calibration screen.Setting the rain gain to 0.1 for example will under report rain by a factor of 10 and would require 0.1” of rain to report 0.01”.
  2. The tipping mechanism may be stuck because of debris.  Pour water slowly through the rain bucket and listen for clicking of the rain gauge mechanism. Each click represents 0.01 in of rain. See if this rain is accurately recorded on the console.
  3. The tipping mechanism has not been recently cleaned and bugs have nested inside the rain gauge or debris has collected in the funnel.Clean the rain gauge funnel per the User Manual.Clean the interior of the rain gauge until free from bugs and debris. Spray with bug spray to prevent future nesting.To clean the interior of the rain gauge, reference the Advanced Troubleshooting guide in the manual. Important Note: Do not stress the wires when opening the sensor array.
  4. The rain gauge is beyond repair.If under one year warranty, visit:


    If out of warranty, replace the sensor array here:

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Our cameras were made by Foscam with some special settings for uploading to

The camera is no longer sold or supported by Ambient Weather.

You can reach Foscam Customer Support directly here:

Stephen.Lei     Technical Support Engineer

Shenzhen Foscam Intelligent Technology Co.,Ltd  
Tel: +86-755-26745668-8777    Fax: +86-755-26745168     


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You can not directly upload your camera image from your Nest camera to, but you can reference a static URL from your Nest account.

  • Go to your Nest account and login using a web browser: from your computer. You cannot change your privacy settings from your phone or tablet.
  • Select the camera that you want to share and click on Settings settings icon for Nest  in the top right corner of your browser window. Note: If you don’t see the Settings icon, increase the size of your web browser window to reveal it.
  • Tap Camera Sharing . You will need to scroll down the page a bit.
  • You  now  have  two  options:  Share  with  password  or  Share  publicly.  Choose Share  publicly:  This  lets  anyone  with t he  link  view  your  camera’s  stream.  No  password is  needed.  Tap Agree & Share
  • SHARE THIS LINK will be provided by Nest. It looks something like this:

    This is NOT the share link you will use with
  • Open a new browser window, and Copy and Paste this share link (do not use the example link above – your link will look different).
  • Right click on the video and select Inspect Element
  • Look for a line that looks like this

    “background-image: url(…&width=540&public=iXXXXXXXX);
    Note: Please remove any “amp” in the code as this will cause issues.

  • Below is an example of how it will appear


  • Enter this into the URL option on
  • Note: URL cameras are currently no support by the time lapse feature
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• Log into
• Go to your Devices panel
• Click “Add Weather Cam” for the device you want to add a camera to.

• Choose FTP
• Tap Next

  • Copy the username and password, you will need this later to setup Blue Iris
  • If you want to make your WeatherCam viewable by others, check the Allow others to view your weather cam box.
  • Open Blue Iris and go to the settings.

In Blue Iris settings:

• Click the FTP Servers tab
• Click Add

Enter the following to add an FTP server to Blue Iris

• Description: AmbientWeather (or whatever you want to name it)
• Server address:
• Base folder: /
• Login: (the login you copied from Step 3)
• Password: (the password you copied from Step 3)
• Idle disconnect: 5 sec
• Max connections: 1
• Check “passive transfer mode”

Click “Test” and you should see a “Successful” result message

If you do not see a “Successful” result message when you click Test, ensure the server address, login, and password are correct (See Step 3)

If test was Successful, click OK

  • Right-Click on the camera you want to send images from and choose Camera settings

In the camera settings:

• Click the Post tab

Configure the settings:

• Check Post JPEGs
• Quality %: 90
• Size: (default)
• Filename: image
• Queue an image update each 60 sec. will send images to Ambient Weather every 60 seconds – you can change this to your liking. Do not send images at less than 60 seconds!

Under Target:

• Check Post files to an FTP server
• Choose AmbientWeather from the dropdown

• Click OK

Blue Iris is now configured to upload FTP images to Ambient Weather.

You can verify images are uploading by going to “Blue Iris Status” and looking at the Cameras tab

You should see the number in the Posted column for the camera you configured increment each time an image is sent

You can verify images are uploading by going to your Ambient Weather device panel and clicking view details for the WeatherCam and then refresh.

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Foscam cameras require the following format:

FTP Server:
Port: 21
FTP Mode: Passive Mode (PASV)
Username: provided by
Password: provided by

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Please save the IP Camera Tool to your computer. You can find the camera’s IP address automatically when you plug the camera into your router.

AmbientCamHD IP Camera Search Tool for PC

AmbientCamHD IP Camera Search Tool for Mac

CD Contents:

AmbientCamHD3 Quick Start Guide

AmbientCamHD3 Quick Installation Guide

AmbientCamHD3 User Manual

AmbientCamHD3 Camera Search Tool

There are no patches at this time.

Plugins are included in the camera’s operating firmware. However, if the plugin can not be loaded, they can be downloaded and installed here:

Windows Plugins

Apple Plugins

Important Note:
To improve security, your password must be 6 to 12 characters, and include a combination of letters, numbers or symbols.
The following symbols are supported: ~!@#%^*()_+{}:”!<>?`-;’\,./

  • Examples of Acceptable Passwords: Password1 (6 to 12 characters, and includes a combination of numbers and letters) Password! (6 to 12 characters, and includes a combination of letters and symbols) Pass1! (6 to 12 characters, and includes a combination of letters and symbols)

  • Examples of Unacceptable Passwords: Pass (too short, less than 6 characters) Password (does not include combination of letters and numbers or symbols). Passwordpassword (too long, over 12 characters).
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The Weather Camera feature is intended for Weather Cameras. The Weather Camera feature is not intended or designed for use as a security / surveillance system. Do not rely on the Weather Camera feature for security, surveillance or safety of individuals or property.

Below are examples of approved / denied camera views.


  • Camera view showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon



  • Any camera view not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Driveway not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Pile of leaves in your yard not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Shed not showing 80%+ of the sky / horizon
  • Offensive imagery, including (but not limited to) material considered obscene, pornographic or threatening. reserves the right to approve or deny public facing camera views.

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AmbientCamHD and AmbientCamHDA Download Center

Please save the IP Camera Tool to your computer. You can find the camera’s IP address automatically when you plug the camera into your router.
AmbientCamHD IP Camera Search Tool for PC

AmbientCamHD IP Camera Search Tool for Mac

CD Contents:

AmbientCamHD Quick Start Guide
AmbientCamHD User Manual
AmbientCamHD IP Search Tool
AmbientCamHD Central Management Software
AmbientCamHD Smart Phone App


Version released 7/7/2016:

1. Fixes Daylight Savings Bug.


1. Download the patch to your computer.
2. Login to the camera and select Settings | System | Patch Installation
3. Select the Choose File button, and browse to the patch file you saved to your computer.
4. Select the Install Patch button.
5. The camera will reboot after two minutes, and the patch installation is complete.

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