Frequently Asked Questions

Tag 6250-WEATH

How to Refresh Your Browsers Cache

Clearing Cache Memory

To ensure you see the latest version of a site you need to clear the cache memory. This is done by doing a force refresh by pressing both control and F5 buttons simultaneously on your keyboard (depending on your browser). Most times a simple force cache refresh won’t work and you need to clear the cache by hand. On this site you can find step by step guides for ChromeFirefox 3Firefox 2Internet Explorer 8Internet Explorer 7Internet Explorer 6Safari and more on how to refresh your cache.

Force Refresh

Someone just told you to “force reload” your browser to fix something. Depending on your operating system all you need to do is the following key combination:

Windows: ctrl + F5
Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R
Linux: F5

Cache And Privacy

Internet cache can be a threat to your privacy as everyone who has access to your computer can see some personal information by simply opening the cache folder.
Also when the cache fills up, performance can slow down and your hard drive may run out of space.

Internet Service Provider Cache

In the same way that your web browser has a cache of recent web pages, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) may be doing some caching on your behalf.

In some (rare) cases, even though you are using shift-refresh to get new data from a webpage, the pages still seem to be old. This may be because your Internet Service Provider also has a cache and their cache may not be set up quite right, and they are not downloading the latest web pages.

When you encounter this problem you will have to communicatie with your ISP to fix this problem


Command Prompt: Ipconfig /Flushdns

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Absolute pressure is the measured atmospheric pressure.

Absolute pressure is not corrected to sea-level conditions.

To compare pressure conditions from one location to another, meteorologists correct pressure to sea-level conditions (referred to as relative pressure, or pressure relative to sea-level).

Because the air pressure decreases as you rise in altitude, the sea-level corrected pressure (the pressure your location would be at if located at sea-level) is higher than your measured pressure if you live above sea-level and lower than your measured pressure if you live below sea-level.

The following is the absolute pressure lapse rate as a function of altitude for standard day conditions:

Relative pressure is the atmospheric pressure corrected to sea-level conditions.

To compare pressure conditions from one location to another, meteorologists correct the measured pressure (referred to as absolute pressure) to sea-level conditions. Because the air pressure decreases as you rise in altitude, the sea-level corrected pressure (the pressure your location would be at if located at sea-level) is higher than your measured pressure if you live above sea-level and lower than your measured pressure if you live below sea-level.

Relative pressure is larger than absolute pressure unless you live at or below sea-level.

You can check your local airport’s pressure here:

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Because lightning is so unpredictable, we cannot make important decisions about your individual installation.

If you are installing the weather station on your roof or structure, consult a licensed electrician that specializes in lightning for advice.

Because weather stations are not hardened against EMP damage (it is very expensive), your weather station will likely not survive a direct or indirect lightning strike.

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We use Cloudflare for our SSL, and the minimum security they now offer is TLS 1. We’ve requested the WeatherBridge author upgrade the SSL minimum requirements to TLS 1 to prevent any future security vulnerabilities.

Please upgrade to Meteobridge 4.1 to resolve this issue. The simplest way to upgrade your WeatherBridge is power it down by disconnecting the AC adapter, and then re-apply power.

Note: Each WEATHERBRIDGE license comes with 2 years of initial update support. When 2 years have passed and you still want to have access to the most recent updates, this update license gives you additional 2 years access to updates.

If you are unable to upgrade because your upgrade license has expired, please visit:[300915163]=1



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This is a very common complaint with weather station owners, regardless of model numbers or manufacturers (from the low cost $100 weather station to $1000+ weather stations). Many of the units returned to us meet their accuracy requirements based on a constant speed fan test.

Here are some things to look for on how wind speed and wind gust are defined, proper installation techniques and wind speed perception in general.

  1. In general, if you are getting some drag or bearing failure, the cups will come to an abrupt stop in low winds. If the wind cups coast down to zero wind speed, this signifies your bearings are fine.
  2. Most weather stations average the wind speed over the update period and provide the peak gust in the update period (defined as wind speed and wind gust). Average wind speed, from a perception stand point, is much lower than wind gust, because wind speed is never a constant. Most customers identify with wind gust (when branches fall down for example). Thus, it may be beneficial from a perception stand point to focus on the gust and not the speed.
  3. Most weather stations have a lift off speed (overcoming static friction). This lift off speed can be about 2 miles per hour. This is rarely an issue, because the average wind speed tends to average out through sampling wind speeds less than 2 miles per hour.
  4. Proper installation is very important. The wind gauge should be mounted four times the distance of the differential height of the tallest obstruction.

    Example: House = 20 ft tall, pole = 5′ tall.

    Distance = 4 (20 – 5) ft = 60′ away from house.

  5. Compare your weather station to other stations in your area.

    An excellent guide is to visit:

    And enter your zip code. Compare your wind speed and gust with other stations in the area by scrolling to the bottom of the search results page until you see “Nearby Weather Stations”.

  1. Here is a general guide in what occurs on land as a function of wind gust:


Wind Gust (mph) WMO Classification On Land
< 1 Calm Calm, smoke rises vertically
1-3 Light Air Smoke drift indicates wind direction, still wind vanes
4-7 Light Breeze Wind felt on face, leaves rustle, vanes begin to move
8-12 Gentle Breeze Leaves and small twigs constantly moving, light flags extended
13-18 Moderate Breeze Dust, leaves, and loose paper lifted, small tree branches move
19-24 Fresh Breeze Small trees in leaf begin to sway
25-31 Strong Breeze Larger tree branches moving, whistling in wires
32-38 Near Gale Whole trees moving, resistance felt walking against wind
38-46 Gale Twigs breaking off trees, generally impedes progress
47-54 Strong Gale Slight structural damage occurs, slate blows off roofs
55-63 Storm Seldom experienced on land, trees broken or uprooted, “considerable structural damage”
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If the wind direction is incorrect, it is likely a calibration issue. You must calibrate your wind vane to true north using markers on the wind vane. This procedure is described in your product User Manual.

Some other common mistakes.

  1. Wind direction appears 180 degrees out of phase. Note that wind direction is based on the direction the wind is coming from, not going to. For example, you will hear on news reports that ‘the wind is from the North”.
  2. Calibrate your direction to true north, not magnetic north.Declination is the difference between true north and magnetic north (compasses measure magnetic north).
    To determine declination:

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It is not possible to connect to which is proprietary.

However, consider which is included.
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The Trash Can allows you to remove sensors that are no longer operating properly in your weather station system, to prevent data corruption on the hosting sites.

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  1. Make sure the date, time and time zone match on the WeatherBridge and display console. If there are different, then the rain increments will be different.
  2. To set the Time Zone and Annual Rain starting month (default is January), click on the System tab.

3. The WeatherBridge calculates rain totals independent of the console. To adjust the rain totals, go to the Live Data Panel and click into the field you wish to adjust and enter the corrected rain total(s).


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