Frequently Asked Questions

Tag WS-1172

Simply moving your display console (or receiver) to a different location may easily fix the communication issue.

We recommend the following best practices for trouble free wireless communication.

  1. Fresh Batteries. If applicable, make sure there are fresh batteries in both the console and remote. Remember to power up the console last when changing batteries. Do not use rechargeable batteries. They have a lower voltage and lower range than non-rechargeable batteries.
  2. Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI). Keep the console several feet away from computers, TVs and electronic cables.
  3. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). If you have other 433/915 MHz devices and communication is intermittent, try turning off these other devices for troubleshooting purposes. You may need to relocate the transmitters or receivers to avoid intermittent communication.
  4. Cold Weather. If the temperature is below < 10 degF, use e2 energizer batteries (Lithium), available in most stores batteries are sold (blue in color). Alkaline and NMH (nickel metal hydride) batteries do not operate below 10 degF.
  5. Sensor orientation.  To insure proper communication, mount the remote sensor on a vertical surface, such as a wall.  Do not lay the sensor flat if this is a small remote sensor.
  6. Line of Sight Rating. This device is rated at 300 feet line of sight (no interference, barriers or walls) but typically you will get 100 feet maximum under most real-world installations, which include passing through barriers or walls.
  7. Metal Barriers. Radio frequency will not pass through metal barriers such as aluminum siding. If you have metal siding, align the remote and console through a window to get a clear line of sight.
  8. Defective Sensor. It is possible the remote sensor is defective. If you have not done so already, to replace under one year warranty, please visit

The following is a table of reception loss vs. the transmission medium. Each “wall” or obstruction decreases the transmission range by the factor shown below.

Medium RF Signal Strength Reduction
Glass (untreated) 5-15%
Plastics 10-15%
Wood 10-40%
Brick 10-40%
Concrete 40-80%
Metal 90-100%
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Our weather stations base forecast on rate of change of pressure. This does not display what is happening right now, but rather, if the weather will change in the next 24 to 48 hours due to changes in barometric pressure.

In general, if the rate of change of pressure increases, the weather is improving (sunny). If the rate of change of pressure decreases, the weather is degrading (cloudy or rainy). If the rate of change is relatively steady, it will read partly cloudy or partly sunny (depending on the type of weather station).

The reason the current conditions do not match the forecast icon is because it is a prediction 24-48 hours in advance. In most locations, this prediction is only 70% accurate and it is a good idea to consult the National Weather Service for more accurate weather forecasts. In some locations, this prediction may be less or more accurate.

The National Weather Service (and other weather services such as Accuweather and The Weather Channel) have many tools at their disposal to predict weather conditions, including weather radar, weather models, and detailed mapping of ground conditions.  Thus, these forecasts are significantly more accurate then forecasts based on rate of change of pressure.

You will need to give the weather station enough time to predict changes in weather. This can take up to 30 days, depending on where you live.


  1. The icons on my weather station have not changed in the short time I have owned it. You will need to give the weather station enough time to predict changes in weather. This can take up to 30 days, depending on where you live.
  2.  Can I change the set points that trigger changes in the forecast icon?  With some Ambient Weather Stations (not most), there is the option “Pressure Threshold Setting”. The pressure threshold (the negative or positive rate of change of pressure signifying a change in the weather) can be adjusted by the user from level 2 to level 4 (default level 2 mbar/hour). Check your User’s Manual for this feature.  The lower the level pressure threshold setting, the higher sensitivity for weather forecast changes. Locations that experience frequent changes in air pressure require a higher setting compared to locations where the air pressure is typically stagnant.
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The saturated salt solution test is an easy method for testing the accuracy of your humidity sensor. Most electronic sensors are accurate from +/- 3 to 5% humidity, and some weather stations or weather centers can be calibrated from the display console by applying a bias.

  1. Mix common table salt with tap water until you have a completely saturated solution with no standing water.
  2. Place about 1 inch of the saturated salt solution in an open container or bowl that is approximately 4 inches high. The 3 inches above the solution will contain air with a predictable humidity value. You can use a cut away container as shown in the figure below. One edge of the container is cut slightly lower to rest the sensor on the lip.
  3. Place this container and the sensors in a waterproof zip lock plastic bag, as shown in the figure below. Leave one of the corners open and remove all of the remaining air with a straw. Close the air tight bag.
  4. Leave the sensor in the bag for four days or 96 hours to completely stabilize.
  5. The sensor should read 75% plus or minus the sensors rated margin of error. For example, if the sensor is rated at +/- 5%, the display should read between 70 and 80% relative humidity.
  6. If the sensor is adjustable or calibrateable, set the humidity on the display to 75%.
  7. Repeat this procedure once per year to account for electronic drift (sensor contamination).

    The images above show a table salt slurry of 1″ height mixed in a container about 3″ tall. This solution is then placed in a plastic bag with the sensor.

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Your relative pressure likely does not match the official source because you have not calibrated it properly. You will need to reference your User Manual for correcting relative pressure.

You can locate an official source for your area to cailbrate by visiting


To compare pressure conditions from one location to another, meteorologists correct pressure to sea-level conditions. Because the air pressure decreases as you rise in altitude, the sea-level corrected pressure (the pressure your location would be at if located at sea-level) is generally higher than your measured pressure.

Thus, your pressure may read 28.62 inHg (969 mb) at an altitude of 1000 feet (305 m), but the corrected pressure is 30.00 inHg (1016 mb).

The standard sea-level pressure is 29.92 in Hg (1013 mb). Pressure conditions greater than 29.92 inHg (1013 mb) are considered high pressure and less than are considered low pressure.

Most weather stations instruct you to find a reporting station near your location to identify the corrected pressure.

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Temperature reads too high (or inaccurate) when placed in the sun or close to a radiant heat source, like a house, building or structure.

  1. Place the sensor inside next to the indoor console sensor. Wait about 1 hour for stabilization. The sensors should agree within the accuracy specifications. Most RTD (resistive thermal device) sensors are accurate within +/- 2 degF. Thus, the sensors should agree within 4 degF.
  2. Mercury or red spirit thermometers are very accurate. Inside your house, place a red spirit thermometer next to the digital thermometer. The thermometers should agree within 2 degF.
  3. If the sensor is separate, place the sensor in a shaded area on the north side of the structure to avoid direct and radiant heat.
  4. Temperature sensors that do not have radiation shields will absorb solar energy and read higher than the ambient temperature. To prevent this problem, purchase a solar radiation shield from Ambient Weather.
  5. We have a one year warranty and a 30 day return policy. For details, please visit:
  6. While at the website, enter the part number of the transmitter in the Search by Keyword to locate the product.
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If the temperature or humidity does not match between what is displayed on the remote sensor and what is displayed on the console:

  1. If you own more than one remote sensor:
    The sensor has a channel number displayed on it, next to the temperature. Make sure that that Channel Number displayed on sensor matches the channel number shown on the display. If they do not match, refer to your User Manual on how to switch the channel display.
  2. It is possible the temperature or humidity were adjusted or calibrated unintentionally. Refer to your individual User Manual on how to remove or correct the adjustment from the console.

    Here is an example:

  • Remote sensor reads 70.0
  • Console for the same sensor channel reads 71.2
  • Adjust the console down 1.2 degrees to match 70.0.
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If the Radio Controlled Clock does not set on your clock or weather station:

  • Make sure Daylight Savings Time (DST) is set properly. All states except Hawaii and Arizona observe Daylight Savings Time. If you observe DST, make sure this setting is turned ON. The default is OFF (except for the RC-8427)
  • Be patient. Wait at least one week. The RCC is a shortwave signal originating near Fort Collins, Colorado, and travels thousands of miles by bouncing off the ionosphere. The signal is better at night due to solar interference during the daytime. The farther you are from Colorado, the weaker the signal. Urban environments can also effect the signal strength.
  • Locate the console or clock at night near a window or outer wall, and away from other radiating sources, like wireless routers or TVs. This will insure the best reception possible.
  • Test and replace the batteries in the console, if required. Low batteries are often the cause for weak reception.
  • Check your Time Zone Setting. Make sure your time zone is set properly in the display console settings. All times zones in the USA are negative. It is very common for the customer to enter 6 instead of -6 for example.Here is a list of Time Zones:
    Hours from GMT Time Zone Cities
    -12 IDLW: International Date Line West
    -11 NT: Nome Nome, AK
    -10 AHST: Alaska-Hawaii Standard
    CAT: Central Alaska
    HST: Hawaii Standard
    Honolulu, HI
    -9 YST:  Yukon Standard Yukon Territory
    -8 PST: Pacific Standard Los Angeles, CA, USA
    -7 MST: Mountain Standard Denver, CO, USA
    -6 CST: Central Standard Chicago, IL, USA
    -5 EST: Eastern Standard New York, NY, USA
    -4 AST: Atlantic Standard Caracas
    -3 São Paulo, Brazil
    -2 AT: Azores Azores, Cape Verde Islands
    -1 WAT: West Africa
    0 GMT: Greenwich Mean
    WET: Western European
    London, England
    1 CET: Central European Paris, France
    2 EET: Eastern European Athens, Greece
    3 BT: Baghdad Moscow, Russia
    4 Abu Dhabi, UAE
    5 Tashkent
    6 Astana
    7 Bangkok
    8 CCT: China Coast Bejing
    9 JST: Japan Standard Tokyo
    10 GST: Guam Standard Sydney
    11 Magadan
    12 IDLE: International Date Line East
    NZST: New Zealand Standard
    Wellington, New Zealand
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To perform a factory reset:

  1. Remove one battery from the battery compartment. Wait 10 seconds for the console to go completely blank.
  2. Press and hold the [SET] and [MIN/MAX] buttons at the same time and reinsert the battery. Continue to hold. The backlight will flash 12 times.
  3. When the flashing is complete, let go of the buttons. The console has now been restored to factory default.
  4. Wait several minutes before pressing any buttons for the remote sensor to sync to the console.
  5. With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the remote sensor and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.
  6. Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.
  7. The remote sensor search icon  will appear near where the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally be.  Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.
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The WS-117x series automatically sets the date and time from the radio controlled clock signal. However, you must set the Time Zone (TZ) and Daylight Savings Time (DST).

However, you can manually set the Date and Time.

To set the date and time, you must be in the SET mode.

Press and hold the SET button for 2 seconds to enter the set mode.

Here are the commands as described in the User Manual:

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If the sensor(s) have stopped communicating to your console,  it may be as simple as placing the remote(s) (powered up) about 10 feet away from the console, power down and up the console by removing one or more batteries, disconnecting from AC power (if applicable), wait 30 seconds, and put the batteries back in, then wait several minutes to resync.

DO NOT TOUCH ANY BUTTONS and look for the search icon. Wait until the search icon turns off before pressing any buttons.

If you have more than one sensor, make sure they are programmed to transmit on different channels.

If the problem persists, we have a one year warranty. To replace under warranty, please visit:

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If you are uncertain which alarm is set or you simply want to turn off all of the alarms at once, we recommend a factory reset. This takes two hands at the same time:

  1. Remove one battery from the battery compartment. Wait 10 seconds for the console to go completely blank.
  2. Press and hold the [SET] and [MIN/MAX] buttons at the same time and reinsert the battery. Continue to hold. The backlight will flash 12 times.
  3. When the flashing is complete, let go of the buttons. The console has now been restored to factory default.
  4. Wait several minutes before pressing any buttons for the remote sensor to sync to the console.
  5. With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.
  6. Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.
  7. The remote sensor search icon  will appear near where the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally be.  Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.
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To change the temperature Units of measure between degrees Celsius and degrees Fahrenheit, enter the SET mode.

To enter the SET mode, press and hold the SET button for 3 seconds.

See the table below. Press the SET button (do not hold) until the temperature units of measure is flashing. Press the + button to toggle between degC and degF. It is the ninth setting:

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If the console lights up and beeps every few seconds or shows random characters, the console is not booting up properly.

  1. Replace the batteries with another fresh set of batteries.
  2. The item must be replaced.  We have a one year warranty. Please visit:
  3.  If out of warranty, replacement consoles are available here:

WS-1170, WS-1171, WS-1171A:

WS-1172: no longer available, but the WS-1171A console will work.

WS-1173: no longer available, but the WS-1171A console will work.


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The calibration values may be corrupted or the sensor was calibrated out of range.  A factory reset is recommended.

To perform a factory reset:

  1. Remove one battery from the battery compartment. Wait 10 seconds for the console to go completely blank.
  2. Press and hold the [SET] and [MIN/MAX] buttons at the same time and reinsert the battery. Continue to hold. The backlight will flash 12 times.
  3. When the flashing is complete, let go of the buttons. The console has now been restored to factory default.
  4. Wait several minutes before pressing any buttons for the remote sensor to sync to the console.
  5. With the remote and console 10 feet away from each other, remove the batteries from the display console and wait 10 seconds. Put the batteries back in.
  6. Do not touch any buttons for several minutes.
  7. The remote sensor search icon  will appear near where the outdoor temperature and humidity would normally be.  Wait several minutes for this icon to turn off.
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If the time is incorrect by multiples of an hour, you likely set the incorrect time zone. The most common issue for users in the USA is to set a positive time zone instead of a negative time zone (example, +5 instead of -5).

The following table summarizes time zones around the world.

Hours from GMT Time Zone Cities
-12 IDLW: International Date Line West
-11 NT: Nome Nome, AK
-10 AHST: Alaska-Hawaii Standard
CAT: Central Alaska
HST: Hawaii Standard
Honolulu, HI
-9 YST:  Yukon Standard Yukon Territory
-8 PST: Pacific Standard Los Angeles, CA, USA
-7 MST: Mountain Standard Denver, CO, USA
-6 CST: Central Standard Chicago, IL, USA
-5 EST: Eastern Standard New York, NY, USA
-4 AST: Atlantic Standard Caracas
-3 São Paulo, Brazil
-2 AT: Azores Azores, Cape Verde Islands
-1 WAT: West Africa
0 GMT: Greenwich Mean
WET: Western European
London, England
1 CET: Central European Paris, France
2 EET: Eastern European Athens, Greece
3 BT: Baghdad Moscow, Russia
4 Abu Dhabi, UAE
5 Tashkent
6 Astana
7 Bangkok
8 CCT: China Coast Bejing
9 JST: Japan Standard Tokyo
10 GST: Guam Standard Sydney
11 Magadan
12 IDLE: International Date Line East
NZST: New Zealand Standard
Wellington, New Zealand

Make sure your time zone agrees with the time zone programmed into the console SET MODE:

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If the indoor sensors show dashes all of the time (–.- or –), we recommend replacing with fresh batteries and performing a factory reset:

Factory Reset, WS-1171 Series

If the problem persists:

  1. The item must be replaced.  We have a one year warranty. Please visit:
  2.  If out of warranty, replacement consoles are available here:

WS-1171, WS-1171A:

WS-1172: no longer available, but the WS-1171A console will work.

WS-1173: no longer available, but the WS-1171A console will work.


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If the temperature sensor is reading out of specification (+/- 2 degF), the sensor will need replacing.

To replace under warranty, please visit:

For out of warranty replacement sensor:

WS-1171, WS-1171A, WS-1172, WS-1173, WS-1173A:


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The Models WS-1171B, WS-1172,  and WS-1173 were discontinued. Replacement sensors are no longer available.

We recommend the following similar replacements:

WS-2801A (requires an AC adapter):

WS-2700 (optional AC adapter):

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  1. The console may have been inadvertently switched to DEW POINT (#15). Check to make sure the label displays TEMP and not DEW. To switch from DEW to TEMP:

    Press (do not hold) the SET button.  Press the + button to toggle between DEW and TEMP.


2. It is possible the outdoor sensor was inadvertently  calibrated. We recommend restoring the console to Factory Default.

To perform a factory reset:

Factory Reset, WS-1171 Series


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The sensor is water resistant but not water proof. It cannot be submersed into water but can be placed in the rain.

However, it is best to avoid direct rain. It will not last as long, and will give you incorrect humidity readings as well.

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If the humidity reads 1% all of the time, replace the batteries.

If the problem persists, the sensor needs replacing. We have a one year warranty:

If out of warranty, the sensor can be replaced here:

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If the sensor is showing dashes for temperature and humidity on its own display, the sensor no longer works and beyond repair.

Here are some suggested replacements:

The Model WS-1171B, WS-1172 And WS-1173 Was Discontinued. What Do You Suggest As A Replacement?

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