Ambient Weather Support


What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface, and allows programmers to easily develop programs and applications that communicate with weather stations at

RESTful And Real-Time APIs:

Developers, retrieve your own real-time and historical personal weather station JSON formatted data, or build 3rd party apps and get data from multiple devices.


  • JSON Formatted Data
  • Secure Data Retrieval
  • Community Support

Full API Reference:

    1. API Docs 

Facebook API Group:.

Join the private Ambient Weather API User’s Group, and ask questions and get answers from other programmers familiar with the Ambient Weather Network API – more info

API Keys:

What is an API key?

The API key acts as both a unique identifier and a secure, secret token for authentication.

There are two types of API keys:

  • Developers: An Application Key is required for each application that you develop. To create a device key, login to your account at and visit: Account Settings.
  • Users: A Device Key is required to connect your weather station to the application created by the developer. To create a device key, login to your account at and visit: Account Settings.

Apps Developed with the API:

To view apps developed using the APIs, visit:



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